Gifts & Accessories

The CNOR Online Practice Exam contains 200 practice questions covering all CNOR exam subject areas.

  • 200-question timed test simulates the actual 3 hour and 45-minute CNOR exam experience
  • Ability to test your knowledge across all subject areas with standalone practice exam to target areas for additional study
  • Includes answers and rationales for correct answers
  • Score report with overall practice exam results
  • Six months of unlimited electronic access from date of purchase

Instructions for accessing your online practice exam:
    1. Module 2 contains the full 200-question quiz.
    2. The following modules are individual practice exams for each subject area.
    3. After each practice exam is submitted, you will receive an overall score for that topic.
    4. To review the reference/rationale, click on the “i” to the far right of the responses to view.
    5. You have unlimited attempts, and the questions and answers will be randomized throughout.

All sales are final, as CCI does not issue refunds except in cases of damage or defect.

As a certification organization, CCI’s role is developing and administering certification examinations. CCI does not require or endorse any specific study guides, review products, or training courses. Candidates may prepare for certification examinations with any educational materials they choose. Purchase of CCI review materials is not a requirement for testing, nor does use of any review materials (CCI or otherwise) imply successful performance on the certification examinations. No study resources are prerequisites for the certification examinations.
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