Exam Preparation Courses

CSSM Exam Prep E-Book

CSSM Exam Prep E-Book

Quick Overview:
CSSM Exam Prep E-Book
Year published:2021
Created by the professionals who administer the CSSM exam, the CSSM Exam Prep, Second Edition, is a comprehensive resource for CSSM test preparation. Featuring case studies, exam tips, and a comprehensive review of all seven subject areas, this guide makes exam prep easy and efficient.

  • eReader available from your CCI account, unlimited access
  • View from any laptop, smartphone or tablet
  • Detailed content review by exam subject area
  • Breakdown of key terms and perioperative nurse management skills you’ll be tested on
  • 200 exam-formatted practice questions with answers and supported rationales
  • Case studies to apply your knowledge of key concepts
  • Guidance on question format and study strategy

  • Practice questions contained within this product do not appear in any other CCI products, and none of the sample questions will be found on the actual CSSM exam.

    All sales are final, CCI does not provide refunds.

    As a certification organization, CCI’s role is in developing and administering certification examinations to determine the qualifications of candidates for certification. CCI does not require or endorse any specific study guides, review products, and/or training courses to prepare for its exams. Candidates may prepare for certification examinations with any educational materials they choose. CCI offers various study resources for the certification examinations such as an online practice exam, sample questions, and flashcards. No study resources are prerequisites for the certification examinations. Purchase of CCI review materials is not a requirement for testing, nor does use of any review materials (CCI or otherwise) imply successful performance on the certification examinations.
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